Blog as a key to mental health

Photos that we share on the network say a lot. This is a means of self -expression, and a traveler’s diary, and a reflection of our style. Moreover, photographs contain the key to mental health, the researchers of Andrew Rice and Christopher Danfort believe.

Scientists are sure: according to the photographs of the user of the social network, you can determine whether he suffers from depression. “If we count on pixels, then in the photographs of the participants of the experiment who diagnosed this disease, more blue, gray and dark tones compared to photographs of healthy subjects,” Andrew explains rice.

For participation in the experiment, scientists selected 166 people. All of them are active users of social networks, 71 of them in the past made a clinical diagnosis of “depression”. During the study, scientists analyzed 43,950 pictures.

To find patterns in images and create a model that would help identify depression on publications, used special computer programs. Researchers analyzed the shade, color intensity and the brightness of each image, and also calculated the number of people in the photographs, the posts of each user and “likes” and comments that accompanied the posts.

The subjects suffering from depression are often chosen by the black and white filter Inkwell. Participants from another group prefer Valencia filter

Fig and Danfort managed to find out that the sufferers of depression less often use filters to edit color rendering and brightness of the image and more often choose the black and white filter Inkwell. Participants from another group prefer Valencia filter, which revives the colors in the photo. In addition, users with depression more often upload photos with the image of the face, but at the same time the number of people in each picture is on average less.

Computer analysis also helped to establish that the posts of depressed authors collect maximum comments and a minimum of “likes”. In general, users with depression publish posts more often healthy subjects.

Although researchers pay attention to the fact that this is not applicable to all users, they are sure that the computer model they have developed will once become a useful tool to identify mental illness at an early stage.

“Effective auxiliary instrument”

Arina Lipkina, psychologist

Blog as another tool for evaluating and diagnostics for specialists in the field of mental health is an idea that has every right to exist. It can be used for the good of caring friends and relatives of a person who suffers or can suffer from depression. For example, preferred colors and filters really give a lot of information. Dark blue and shades of gray are often chosen by people with anxious disorders and depression. If a person “plays” too often with his own way, changing his face, body, surrounding objects with the help of applications, and publishes this, then we can assume that he is masked, “runs away” from his own mood disorders.

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