Clarendon Lodge Medical Practice Steroid Injections

Clarendon Lodge Medical Practice Steroid Injections

If you have any concerns regarding your treatment, please contact your GP. The above side-effects may affect some people who take steroids. There is a balance between the risk of side-effects against the symptoms and damage that may result if not treated. Side effects usually improve with a lower dose and/or stopping steroids. Your dose may need to be reduced slowly over a few weeks or months.

  • Your discharge summary should routinely state the number of days you are to take a specified dose and the date in which the dose is due to reduce.
  • However, they often have an adverse effect on mood, sleep and memory and many patients prescribed steroids report cognitive decline and memory impairment.
  • The information here aims to help you better understand your health and your options for treatment and care.

Your doctor will check for medical conditions which would stop them giving you steroid treatment, or make you more likely to get side effects. Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) cause inflammation in your airways. If these aren’t effective enough, your doctor may ask you to also start taking steroid tablets. If you need to take medication for diabetes with corticosteroids, your blood glucose levels will usually need to be checked more regularly. Your dose of diabetes medication may then need to be adjusted.

How long can you take steroids for a brain tumour?

If you’re taking steroid tablets continuously you should be under the care of a respiratory specialist. Reducing the inflammation and swelling in your airways using steroids means you’re less likely to get asthma attacks. Steroids are also useful for people with COPD who get regular flare-ups. For COPD, steroid inhalers are most useful for people whose condition has asthma-like features, like a history of allergies, or when you have both COPD and asthma together.

You might feel dizzy and you may feel as though the room is spinning. Take your steroids exactly as your health professional has told you. We are pleased to offer a steroid joint injection service at Clarendon Lodge. The glucocorticoids are composed of cortisone and hydrocortisone and these control metabolism. Metabolism is the sum of the physical and chemical processes within the body that allow for growth, function, repair of tissues and provision of energy.

Common conditions

Your healthcare team is there to support you in making decisions that are right for you. They can help by discussing your situation with you and answering your questions. Tools for scoring cardiovascular risk do not take into account glucocorticoid dose. Refining methods of risk prediction may help doctors identify which patients would benefit from taking steps to reduce their risk. You will find all relevant numbers at the end of this booklet.

  • Prior treatment with corticosteroids may also make the patient ineligible for the current UKALL trial for ALL and may have an adverse impact on prognosis.
  • It can be very dangerous to suddenly stop taking steroids, and you could become very ill.
  • This means your body has problems making enough of a hormone called cortisol.
  • Steroids that are injected into muscles and joints may cause some pain and swelling at the site of the injection.
  • At the end of your treatment, your specialist is likely to reduce your dosage gradually.

Please ask your doctor for more information about immunisations. You’re less likely to get side effects from taking steroid tablets for less than three weeks. Your steroid preventer inhaler is unlikely to cause side effects, especially if you’re using your inhaler correctly. If you’re using a steroid inhaler these medicines act directly on the airways, and generally have very few side effects. Any problems like a sore mouth, for example, can be prevented by using a spacer with your inhaler, if that’s possible. And always rinse your mouth with water and spit it out after using your inhaler.

It’s important you tell us if you are pregnant or planning on getting pregnant so that we can review all of your medicines and monitor you more closely. We recommend that you have the flu vaccine every year while taking steroids. If you take any of these medicines we might need to make some changes or monitor you more closely. By clicking submit you agree to our Privacy notice and Terms and conditions. Some users will also experience manic behaviour and may start having hallucinations.

Dexamethasone or prednisolone may be prescribed along with other drugs in treating your condition. You should not take anti-inflammatory painkillers e.g. ibuprofen (low dose aspirin is OK), as together they may increase the risk of a stomach ulcer developing. Do not take over-the-counter preparations or herbal remedies without discussing this first with your doctor, nurse or pharmacist. For anyone using anabolic steroids, there’s an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, fluid retention, blood clots, and problems with the liver and kidneys. Most anabolic steroids are injected so there is a risk of HIV and hepatitis if needles are being shared. Anabolic steroids can be used in medicine to treat certain hormonal problems, as well as being used to treat some cancers, osteoporosis and other rare conditions.

You might have other symptoms depending on where the infection is. There are a number of reasons you might have steroids as part of your cancer treatment. We believe it is essential that people living with RA understand why certain medicines are used, when they are used and how they work to manage the condition. The dose you take will be gradually reduced to lower the risk of withdrawal effects. Your fingers, feet and ankles may swell because of a buildup of fluid, although this is more common in long term use.

The risks

Find out why steroids are used to treat lung conditions like asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). If you are at risk of bone thinning, your doctor may prescribe drugs called bisphosphonates to protect your bones. They will also usually give you advice about taking vitamin D supplements and your diet.