How to Access the Dark Web

If you’re interested in knowing what lurks beneath the surface of the internet, accessing the dark web isn’t a problem however it’s not without its risks. Imagine yourself in a town with hidden back alleys. It’s easy to explore however, if you go down the wrong route it could be risky.

The dark web is a cesspool of criminal activity, including the black-hat hacker, drug dealing and terrorists. It’s also a venue for those who aren’t a part of society including hitmen, human traffickers, and corrupt officials. The dark web isn’t only bad. It also functions as a link between political outcasts, and those from the free world. It allows whistleblowers to anonymously submit tips.

To browse the dark web, you’ll need a special browser called Tor. It’s somewhat similar to a VPN in that it secures your internet requests and eliminates geo-location tags your ISP or the government could use to track you. Tor protects you from adversity because it routes your request through an international network of servers that are volunteer.

Once you’ve installed and configured Tor After you’ve installed and configured Tor, it’s time to start exploring the dark web. There are still plenty of websites to visit, even though the content isn’t as efficiently indexed as on the internet’s surface. You’ll find websites where you can purchase illegal drugs and guns as well as tutorials on how to conceal your digital footprint, or launch ransomware attacks.

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