The Importance of Boardroom Dynamics

As the name suggests, boardroom dynamics are a complex web of a variety of behaviors and interactions. They are, in increasing numbers being recognized as an essential element of effective governance. Regulators, behavioural scientists as well as governance experts, and boards themselves are increasingly aware that the softer aspects in boardroom behavior can contribute to a board’s effectiveness, rather than structures and boxes checked.

The process of making decisions for boards can be hampered if members are encouraged by their superiors to put their personal priorities over the interests of the business and the interests of its stakeholders. Spring loading is a challenge that must be addressed by encouraging transparency, accountability, and a culture of open communication. Facilitating open channels of communication, implementing effective governance processes, embracing diversity and continuously educating and training board members are successful strategies to minimize the effects of spring loading by creating an environment where decisions are fair and equitable for all.

Boards must also engage in robust debates, and encourage constructive disagreement when making decisions or dealing with controversial topics. This will help prevent groupthink where the board fails to consider all options and ultimately makes an unwise decision for the company. Boards should also use their independent third-party advisors and the corporate secretary to impose rules for discussions, challenge assumptions and play the role of devil’s advocate.

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